Read THIS blog post by a teacher. I mean actually read it. Take it in. Think about it. And then, write about it. What do you think about it? What is the teacher trying to say? In your own words explain what "the main event" is.
My opinion of this article is that it is good because it is written to encourage students to be more then they are trying to be. I really like this article because many people quit when the going gets rough and don't decide to graduate from High School the dropouts mess up there future and grow up to be depressed and lonely when they could of contributed way more to society. What the teacher is trying to say is that he wants all his students to succeed and not become the "drags" in his society. He wants them to be the brilliant minds that are suppose to help are society advance both politically and technologically. In my own words, the "main event" is the the finals that the students are facing and stressing out about so the teacher is trying to calm his students nerves.
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Blog Post of the Day:
3 day weekend... how was it? Give me a good story or something funny that happened this weekend. Go.
My 3 day weekend was fun because of all the things I got to do. The first night, Friday night, was really relaxing because all I had to do was relax and watch my favorite TV show I am currently watching, Supernatural. I love this show because of all the action and how mythical creatures like demons and angels come to life. On Saturday, I was way busier because I got to go back to my favorite camp, Camp Naish, and help perform the new brotherhood script for a time estimate and right after that I got to help perform an OA Callout Ceremony for a troop in Trails West district. When I got back from camp I went immediately to a BBYO(Jewish Group event) with my friend Dean and Louie and got to do crazy things like sock wrestling. What sock wrestling is is a competition between two people to get the opponents sock of before he gets yours, I got to the championships and lost to my friend Louie, who is really strong. On Sunday, I went home and watched more Supernatural and this continued all day Monday.
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Blog Post of the Day:
Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Elaborate on why you agree or disagree.
If images are on the internet they should be "free game".
I highly disagree with this statement because some photos people make are really hard to make so you would be stealing someone else's work. Also, if you believe that every photo is "free game" than you have no clue how to make a photo yourself and wouldn't have that skill yourself(Photoshop). Some images although are alright to copy because they are taken by professionals who already have copyright laws on there photos because it is there job. These photos usually turn out looking awesome and are great photos to use on what you need. How you can tell if it is a professional photo is by researching the author of the picture to make sure it is already copyrighted so you are not stealing someone's work.
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Blog Post of the Day:
Reflect on your resume website.
My resume website was awful because I didn't have my nav bar sticking because I didn't know about it. Also, I feel like I totally flunked the project because I am an awful coder and my grade was a very low C. This class is a very fun class but I don't understand some of the key points that a student must know in order to be able to succeed. If I got another shot at this website I would have done a lot better because I would have used my time more wisely. When I originally finished this website I felt pretty good about it but at the end of the day I still was missing key features and got a bad grade to hugely affect my overall grade point average. I need to learn from this complete failure and have to make a better website in the future in order to excel in this class and life. I will make sure to add some "dazzle" next time so that I can do better grade wise and make myself not feel like a complete idiot. I will make sure also to make a better color scheme and have better information the teacher will enjoy. Hopefully next time I have to answer I question like this again I will be more positive about my experience.
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