Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Family History Project

In Emerging Technologies, we worked on a family history project. I had to interview my mom and my grandpa Hugh and send an e-mail to my Aunt Jill. The information that they gave me taught me more about my history and after I learned more I had to make a family tree. This tree consist of all my family members that I could trace back to. Then, I had to make a Prezi about each family member. I enjoyed this because it taught me interesting things about each family member. The last thing that I had to do was make an Infographic on Piktochart. I talked about my family migration and life nowadays. This is all I had to do for my family history project.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday, November 24

Blog Post of the Day:
What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Do you have any traditions? Go in to detail about your plans for the 5 day weekend.

This Thanksgiving I am planning to go to Omaha to visit my family. We will celebrate it with the family and we will play fun games like bag toss and eat a bounty of food that my grandpa prepares. A tradition that we celebrate is always letting the youngest eat the first bite. This first bite represents the youngest because they will be the future of are family. All the other days I will be addicted to my new Pokemon DS games and sleep to catch up on rest. I will also be working on homework and spend plenty of time with my mom and sister.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 19

Blog Post of the Day:
Reflecting on the comments and grade of your stop-motion animation... what you would do differently if you had to do it all over again? Would you manage your time better? Find better lighting for your photos? Come up with a better idea? Explain what you would change about your video.

This project was very fun but there are things that I would go back and improve so that my stop motion is better. The first thing that I would improve is the story line because I did't have a good clear story. The next thing I would improve is the consistency of the pictures. I would spend more time on the pictures to make sure that the objects in the stop motion seem as life-like as possible. The last thing that I would improve is the lighting in the pictures. I feel like my pictures were dark so next time there is a project like this I will use a lamp for better lighting. The video overall was good and I am pleased with the grade that I was given.

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Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your weekend.

My weekend was great because I got to go camping with my boy scout troop. On Friday, I got to go to the camp site and eat pizza with my friends. We talked about random stuff and for dessert we ate amazing cookies. On Saturday morning, I got to eat an amazing muffin and hiked some trails with the troop. I also played Ladder ball with my friends and beat all of them. For dinner, we ate an amazing seasoned turkey and had hot chocolate. On Sunday, we left and went to Nordstrom Rack and I got new shoes for basketball try-outs. Then we went home and I went to bed dreaming about Basketball.

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your experience with taking your stop-motion photos. What problems did you run in to? What did you find difficult about the process? What would you go back and change about HOW you took the photos? Explain yourself.

Creating another stop motion was very fun because I got to try something different from what I did last year. This year I decided to use quarters in my stop motion instead of using card decks. It was cool but a problem I encountered is trying to keep the camera set on one place. What was difficult for me was finding a nice area to take my stop motion in because there were so many options. In the end, I used the counter and took great pictures for my quarter stop motion. What I would change is that I would change my camera angle every couple pictures because that would show variety. This project was really fun!

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Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, November 10

Blog Post of the Day:
What is stop motion animation? If you don't know, look it up! Explain.

Stop motion anime is when you take a bunch of pictures and make it into a video for others to watch. What I mean by this is if you have a skittle pack and you use the skittles to make your stop motion then you would have your skittles become life-like. In the photos, you would move the skittles inch-by-inch until you have the skittles form a design that you wanted to see. These photos would move in order in the video so fast it would seem like the skittles can move themselves.  This is what I know about stop motion anime from my previous experience in photography.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Five Frame Storyboard

Wednesday, November 5

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your idea for your 5 frame story board. What is the plot? How do you plan to make the story creative? Who's the main character? What is the beginning, middle and end? Tell me about your plan of attack.

My five frame storyboard is about coming to Emerging Technologies class. The plot of this story is my regular day at the 7th hour classroom. The first frame is me walking into class. The second frame is me sitting at the computer. The third frame storyboard picture is me logging on. Th fourth storyboard picture is me going to BV business and the last storyboard picture is me blogging. This story is creative because it shows what I do in my life each day Monday to Friday.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday, November 4

Blog Post of the Day:
Yesterday you edited and uploaded photos to your blog. Tell me more about your photos. HOW did you edit them? Why did you choose the photos that you did? Explain your assignment

Yesterday was great because we got to improve the pictures that we were awesome enough to take ourselves. I had to do this for my Emerging Technologies class. The first picture I decided to take and edit was the Wet Floor sign. What I did to this picture is I made the sign change from yellow to orange and made the background darker in order to emphasize the sign's appearance. The second picture that I took and edited was the class competition sign. I decided to make the sign a bit brighter and add lightness to the background. The third picture I took and edited was the picture of an eye. What I did to this picture was I added a blue color to the eye and decided to make the picture crystallize. The fourth picture I took and edited was a picture of a hallway. What I did to this picture was I made the brick wall a lighter red and made the ceiling darker. The other thing I did to this picture was I made the guy waving stand out more. The last picture I edited was a picture of a school medal. What I did was I made the medal a orange color and made the floor darker. I chose these pictures because I thought that they would look very cool edited. 

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Monday, November 3, 2014


Monday, November 3

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your weekend - details please!

My weekend was fabulous because I got to sleep and watch Doctor Who. Friday night was great because I got to bed and slept till 2 in the afternoon on Saturday. When I awoke I cooked my lunch and ate divine corn dogs and french fries. After I ate I got to play Black Ops 2 with a friend and then we watched Doctor Who. I got caught up in all of season eight and watched the Doctor save are world. Once I caught up I went to bed and slept till 10 AM and when I was awake I did my homework and got to go out shopping. I went to Walmart and bought the newest Percy Jackson book and a case for my new D.S. After that I had the privilege of getting a nice hair cut and then I went home. At home I played on my D.S. and went to bed.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday, October 29

Blog Post of the Day:
What do you know about photography and/or photo editing? Do you take photos? How do you take photos? Do you edit photos before posting them on social media? How do you edit them? Explain any background or knowledge you have about photography and photo editing. Do you like it? Do you have any interest?

What I know about photography is that it is a form of art that allows an individual to express themselves through the pictures they take. I know that you can edit photos and remove things like zits or red eyes and make the background express the object or person in the picture. How I take photos is I zoom in and make sure the picture is not blurry and then I take the shot. I always edit photos before putting them on social media sites because it makes the picture better and stand out more. I use the options on social media sites like Instagram to edit them. Some background knowledge I have in photography is last year when I had to do a stop motion project with a deck of cards and I always take the photos when i'm on vacation with my family. I like photography and find it very fun to do.

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Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, October 20

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your weekend. Share pics!

My weekend was great because I got to go on a Boy Scout camp with my friends. On Friday, I arrived at camp and partied it up on the dance floor with my friends and other boy scouts. On Saturday, I got to earn the Search and Rescue merit badge and won a 30 dollar cooler in a raffle. I was very happy when they called my name because I wanted to win a prize in the raffle. Afterwards, I ate s'mores and went to bed. On Sunday, I got back home and showered. Later, I took care of my camp gear and worked on homework. I had a very awesome weekend!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday, October 14

Blog Post of the Day:
Below is a letter written to the editor who wrote the article 'Enforcement of dress code creates negative effect' that your blogged about last week. Most of you wrote on your blog that you agreed with the writer. What are your thoughts after reading the letter below and seeing a different perspective. Are they the same? Are the different? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

My thoughts about this topic hasn't changed in any way. I still think that kids should be able to choose what they wear when they go to school. After all, this is the time to express yourself  and if girls want to do it through clothes then let them! One thing you failed to mention in this letter is what the kids want. We all want to be able to make are own impact to the school but we cannot do that by being told what we can and cannot wear. Kids love to express themselves and I do agree that the office tries to do whats best for us but we make up most of the school and we decide with each other what we want to do to help the school prosper. I am doing my part by making the Spanish club and hoping that in the future this club will prosper and be able to possibly go to Spain. I respect your ideas and opinions but in the end I think the kids should choose the clothes to wear.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, October 13

Blog Post of the Day:

The best schedule for me taking computer classes because I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up. I know I must take classes like Emerging Technologies and Web Design. I will spend this class time learning about computers and have a better understanding of how to program. These classes are different from my other classes like Honors Biology and Honors ELA because in these classes I learn more about writing and life and in computer class it teaches me how to use a computer to my advantage.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Tuesday, October 7

Blog post of the day:
The following article was in the September issue of The Tiger Print. Read the article (even if you already have) and respond to it below. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Consider all perspectives of the article while you respond.

This article states the response of how girls feel to the dress code. The code does not want to let girls dress the way they want to dress. It wants them to wear clothes that can't express there personality and beauty. I agree that this policy has gone to far because girls sometimes spend precious time for money to buy the clothes they love to wear. With Blue Valley banning these clothes it makes the halls of these schools look pale and add no spunk to the school. If boys are distracted there grades will reflect there individual minds. Lower grades mean that there dumb or distracted but this was there choice to make. Those boys chose to look at a cute girl instead of focusing in class. It is an individuals responsibility to chose what they want to do. If they are failing, the parents should consider an all boys school. What us boys do should not reflect what girls can and cannot wear.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6

Blog post of the day:
Tell me about your weekend! If you don't have anything fun to share, tell me about the city you live in. What do you love about Kansas City? Do you have a favorite place in the city? Favorite team? :) Favorite event? Explain.

My weekend was great because in scouting I got the great achievement of becoming a life scout. On Friday, I got to chill and just watch some nice television. On Saturday, I slept in and got to go and run some errands with my mom. We went to General Nutrition Center or GNC and I got to go to Price Chopper and grocery shop. On Sunday, I got to go to Panera and do my board of review. Afterwards, I got Life Scout! Later that day I went on a 10 to 15 mile bike ride with my mom on are new bikes. We biked all the way to the JCC from Regency by the Lake. When it was dinnertime I ate pasta and got to watch the whole royals game. I cracked up when I saw Billy Butler steal a base. The royals won and I went to bed.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30

Blog Post of the Day:
What is an infographic? If you don't know, go look it up. Read about it and then in your own words tell me what an infographic is. What do infographics do? How do they work? What makes a really good infographic?

Find an example of a really cool infographic on the web and place it on your blog.

An infographic is a display of information that informs people about the topic that people highly care about. Infographics usually contain facts, statistics, charts, graphs, etc. They are useful for really getting your word out to the public without having to repeatedly tell people about your topic. What makes an amazing infographic are facts and data. On my infographic, my main topic will talk about endangered species.

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Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics

This weekend I did a lot of fun things. On Friday, I got stay at school until 6:30 doing homework and waiting for my mom to come get me. I skipped the game and got a grand Arby's dinner. At Arby's, I got a delicious brisket sandwich with amazing curly fries and to top it all of I got an awesome medium jamocha shake. The next day I got to go get a new bike and got to sleep. I absolutely loved getting a new bike and I was very much enjoying being able to ride it for the remaining weekend. When it reached night time I worked on my AP Human Geography homework and learned more about what population growth is. The last day of this weekend I helped out with Eli Kahns eagle scout project. I did this all day until it was done and then I went home and worked on my science article homework. This was my fun filled weekend.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24

Blog Post of the Day:
Imagine Mr. Bacon has asked you to suggest one way of improving Blue Valley High School to make it a better place for students. Think about the changes that are needed at your school. Pick one change you feel would really make a difference and explain what it is and why you'd make the change.

If Mr. Bacon asked me to help improve the school I would recommend that he should improve the time school starts on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. I would tell him that he should start school at 8:30 and get out at 3:30. I like this time because it allows me to have a brain when school starts. I think this could help the school because then people can be more awake when class starts. This would help improve grades and make people truly focus on the subject that they need to learn without yawning. This is what I think are school could to do to improve.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23

Blog Post of the Day:
What are your favorite apps on your phone or tablet? Why?

At home, I have an Ipad 4 or Ipad with retina display and an Galaxy S3, which is my phone I like to use. On my Ipad, my favorite apps are Instagram, Minomonsters, Clash of Clans, Netflix, and Art of Glow. On my phone, my favorite apps are Instagram, Ifunny, Clash of Clans, Uno and Friends, and YouTube. These are the apps I most frequently like to use on my phone. I like these apps because they are the apps I go to in my down time in order to have fun.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday, September 22

Blog Post of the Day:
What is email? When do you use email in your own personal life? List reasons and ways that people use email. What do you know about "email etiquette"?

An e-mail is a form of communication used by everyone to stay in touch. E-mails are very secure and people use them in order to get privacy with other people. E-mails often include adds, coupons, bills, information on projects, and notifications. E-mail etiquette usually consists of words like "Dear Person" and " Sincerely person." In the email, people usually have an etiquette ending like "Thank you for your time." This is my opinion of what a e-mail is.

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Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday, September 19

Blog Post of the Day:
Now that you've been in Emerging Technology for several weeks... what do you think? Do you think the web tools (Drive, Evernote, Bubbl, etc.) are helpful to you? Do you think they will be helpful throughout high school or even college? Explain.

Emerging technology is a great class that I actually took last year at Lakewood Middle School. I think that emerging technology's is a great class to take to learn more about researching and global issues. I re-took it because I needed a credit for a technology class to graduate. I want to take web design if I can one year because I love programming. The web tools you have showed us are very nice because they make researching a topic for a class a whole lot easier. This will help me in high school get better grades. I am excited to be in this class.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17

Blog Post of the Day:
Do you enjoy writing? When do you enjoy it? What kind of writing do you enjoy? Why do you think the ability to write is so important no matter what kind of writing it is? Give an example that you enjoyed writing or hated writing. Why?

Yes, I enjoy writing because it gives me a way to express myself. I like to write at school and at home because those are the only times I am able to write. I like to write stories and songs about anything in life. Writing is significantly important because without it people could not explore themselves and there imagination. One example, is when I had to write a bibliography about someone I care for. I enjoyed doing it because it gave me a chance to understand more about the person I picked.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16

Blog Post of the Day:
Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.

This quote means that if you don't spend the time to give what you want to the teachers than your destined to fail. This means that if you want A grades than you have to commit the time in order to excel. If you don't spend the time than you are not going to make A grades. One time this was a case for me was when in 7th grade I failed a science test because I didn't study. Amount of time is equal to your grade on the project.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15

Blog Post of the Day:
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

This weekend was amazing because I got to go to my Grandpa's lake cabin that's outside Union, Nebraska. The reason I went up there was because of a rumor an Aurora Borealis would be there that night. The Aurora didn't appear but I still got to stay at the lake cabin. On Saturday, I got to golf cart with my little sister. We stopped at the park and caught some frogs. I also got to go boating with my mom, sister, and Grandpa Zaydeh. We hit some waves and it was awesome! That Saturday night, I drove my mom and sister back home. On Sunday, I got to go to Hebrew school and learned more about Israel. The rest of the day we got pizza at Sam's and Chicken Wings from Tanners. It was delicious! Later that night, I studied Spanish vocab for the Tuesday, Spanish test. This was my fun filled weekend!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday, September 12

Blog Post of the Day:
What is the importance of research? Why do you need to know how to research? What have you learned in high school about researching topics and finding quality resources? Have you had a helpful teacher that has taught you to research? Explain

Research is when you find out more about a topic like endangered species.Research is very important because it helps us to find more out topics. We need research because without it we would be clueless about the world. What I know about research is that you should always cite your sources. In high school, I have learned that you always need multiple articles to guarantee you know what your talking about. The more articles you have the better prepared you are with the assignment. For example, science fair needs a lot of research in order to know what you are performing scientifically. The most helpful teachers for research are my ELA teachers because they teach me everything about research I know. This is why research is very important.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Global Issue Selection

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For my global issue in Emerging Technology I have chosen Endangered Species. I have begun researching the issue and you can find my research questions here.

Wednesday, September 10

Blog Post of the Day:

Kids these days are so immature because of there gizmos and gadgets no one gives a crud about. Back in my day, I would be outside on my bike but electronics have corrupted the new generations. For peat sake's, the day I get my kid of a phone is the day I meet a angel. Those gizmos and gadgets ain't nothing but trouble. I know that there are to many gadgets like those I phones and I pads. I'm surprised that we still have war with nuclear missiles everywhere.I hope i'm dead by the time those things go of on my house. Why has this society been so STUPID! We are eons behind future medicine because of these dumb gizmos and gadgets. Oh and also I am sick of seeing my kid stare at a dumb box with that "enjoyment" they crave. They are frying there brains! So, yes I very much dislike the future.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about the global issue you selected. What do you already know about the issue? What are you looking forward to learning about it? Explain.

The research topic that I am doing is Endangered Species. I love animals because they are so fascinating to know about. I know that this issue affects everything by disturbing the circle of life. I also know that humans cause a lot of factors for animal endangerment like hunting and trapping for precious animal hide. I am looking forward to learning more about this topic and learning prevention methods to solve this global issue. I know that I will personally enjoy learning more about animals and what ones are close to extinction. I know that I will do my best and learn a lot!

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Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8

Blog Post of the Day:
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

This weekend was awesome because I got to go to Camp Bartle for an Order of the Arrow induction. This induction was amazing because I was able to be on Ceremonial team and help out with the pre-ordeal ceremonies. I got to play Nutiket "the guard" in this pre-ordeal ceremony. In this ceremony, my troop watched me perform for them. Then, on Saturday I got to go to Ceremonial team practice. It was fun and I saw a lot of cool practice performances made by Ceremonial Team. When the afternoon rolled around Ordeal ceremonies were preformed and I got to sash my good friend Amit (I also helped Dance Team). On Sunday, I got to go to Iconium and got a delicious grape Nehi float. I went home and did my homework and got Chinese food. Afterward, I went to bed because I was tired.

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Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5

Blog Post of the Day:

If I was to make my own grade card then I would get a A in Boy Scouts. I would get an A in Real Estate and an A on memorization. I also would get an A in Babysitting and and A in Biking. I love biking, so I would get an A on that and an A on Gaming. I will of course get an A on Organization and on Grammar. This is every subject I would get an A in.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Cyber Bullying PSA

Wednesday, September 3

Blog Post of the Day:
Yesterday I asked your to "think differently" and push yourself to be uncommon with your PSA project using Google Slides. Why do you think I asked you to do that? What is the point? Why not just use bullets and headers? Explain.

I think you asked us to be different on this presentation because you want to see what we are made of. I mean that you want to see us for who we really are. What you want to see is who are the people who are more creative in this class. This PSA project will show you who you think will do the best in the class. The point of being different is standing out from yours peers and doing something that is truly unique. You want us to do are best and excel in this class and every other class in school.You don't want bullets and headers because there LAME! You want spice in the PSA. You don't want anything normal because normal doesn't excel.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, September 2

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me all about your Labor Day weekend. What did you do? Include photos!

On Labor Day weekend, I went to Omaha, Nebraska. I went with my mom and sister and got to drive all the way to Omaha from Kansas. It was really fun but while driving up it rained a lot and I had to focus on the road and make sure I wasn't exceeding the speed limit. When we got to Omaha it was late so we went to my Aunt Jill's house and slept. In the morning, we went to go see my Grandma Tania and Grandpa Terry. They were very pleased to see us and gave us many hugs and kisses. My family and I stayed their all day and we had a great lunch from a Thai restaurant. Afterwards, we went back to Aunt Jill's house and slept more. The next day, we went to go see my Great Grandma Louis and my Uncle Steve. We had a amazing brunch and my sister got a bear stuffed animal. Then, we went to go say are goodbyes to Grandma Tania and Grandpa Terry and they ordered me a early birthday present that will arrive in the mail soon. We left and went to my Grandpa Zaydeh's lake cabin and slept. The last day we boated and fished at the Lake cabin and ate delicious pulled pork. Finally, it was time to go so my mom, sister, and I packed up the car and left. I got to drive back but it rained again. When we got home, I did my homework and went to bed. This was my fun Labor Day 

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29

Blog Post of the Day:
Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

This blog post is very good advice for teenagers. It tells teenagers to grow up and behave for the world. It also tells teenagers to stop acting like wusses and start making the world a better place. The world helped us grow and now we should help the world to grow more and more advanced. We should take care of the world one step at a time by doing stuff like planting trees. This article helped me learn to feel more compassion toward the world and its endeavors. I agree that if everyone started to help the world as a teenager the world would be a more habitable place to live. This is the dream that many people want to be a reality.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26

Blog Post of the Day:

What is a Public Service Announcement? If you don't know what it is, Google it. In your own words, now tell me what it is? What are they used for? Can you recall an example of a PSA you've seen before?

A PSA is a announcement that raises awareness on certain topics like cancer or obesity. The PSA helps the community know what problems are happening in and outside the community. If we didn't have PSA then the community would fail and we would not be able to have a safe, protective environment. They use PSA to inform people about a problem and have the community reach out and try to fix it before it's to late. Some problems can be robberies, murderers, and threats to the community. An example of PSA, I have seen before is a Drug Prevention program. The program informed me about the dangers of drug and alcoholic abuses on substances like Nicotine and Marijuana.

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Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25th

Blog Post of the Day:
After watching the short clip of Ashton Kutcher's acceptance speech what did you take away from his advice? What does this quote mean to you -"Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you, and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use."

Ashton Kutcher speech was very touching and funny. His advice was excellent because of his 3 rules of life. He gave me the chance to re-think my life in greater depth. I will use his advice to become a better person and a better role model for my younger sister Aliyah. I will get a job and leapfrog to the next job until I find the perfect job that suits me. For now, I will be smart and get high quality grades and be the best person who I can be. I will become actively involved in Boy Scouts and set a high goal to get Eagle scout. I will also be involved in Order of the Arrow by being on Ceremony team and getting a lodge position. At school, I will join school clubs and create a club that I will be in until the end of high school. This is how I will live life to the fullest extent I can right now.

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